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Nov 1, 2019    Burn Book

Why Is There Such a Demand for P2P Lenders?


In a world where everyone wants the latest products and commodities, there is no end to the lengths people will go to get what they think they need. Whether it’s because of a decline in will power or the increase in persuasive digital marketing strategies, we don’t know. But what we do know is that whenever a demand this large is being made, there is always someone at the other end who can capitalize on it.

While it’s obvious that a car dealership gets the most out of a customer buying a car, or a real estate agent gets the most out of someone buying a house, with big-ticket items like these, there is always the opportunity for a middle man to benefit. And that middle man tends to take the form of a peer-to-peer lender or other fin-tech company that offers loans.

Because in our obsessive consumer-oriented world, we will do whatever it takes to get our hands on what we want – even if we have to borrow money to do it. That’s why right now, as we reach the end of the decade, is the best time to launch your P2P lending platform with a digital marketing message that makes sense.

The first reason is because of the rapidly evolving marketplaces all around us that are constantly making new products and improving upon past ones. They are creating want in costumers. A large majority of which often don’t have the means to satisfy those wants. In turn, this creates an increasing demand for social lending and financial technology institutions to come and fill in the gaps.

The Never-Ending Purchase

It seems as if the moment we make a big purchase, one that we’ve been waiting for feverishly, another product, service, or trip appears in the foreground to tempt and seduce our wallets. And I’m not mad about it. Neither is the guy who got that extension on his roof to fit a hot tub. And the guy who just drove off the lot in a brand new Audi A7? He’s definitely not mad.

But the person who really gets the most out of this scenario is the social or P2P lender who gave Mr. Hot Rod the money to buy his new set of wheels. And while automobiles and real estate represent a good majority of the transactions conducted in lending scenarios, the university system in the USA may be it’s biggest money aggregator. The American schooling system has become increasingly productized over the years and has grown out of its original purpose, with people now choosing to attend university for the social aspect as much as the educational purpose. And still, more products remain.

People want to automate their homes to be entirely voice-operated. Some want to spend thousands on a tummy tuck and a boob job. And others may want to buy a superyacht and name it Wanda. The fact of the matter is that as long as expensive products continue being made and improved upon, people will continue to do whatever it takes to fulfill these materialistic dreams planted in their minds from some of the top advertising agencies around the world. But our thriving commerce isn’t the only reason why you shouldn’t wait any longer to launch your P2P lending platform.

Tech That Gets the Job Done

Growing alongside our thriving consumer markets is the tech industry, which is slinging out new products as fast as the former. And with these new products, we are offered more and more ways to reach audiences and interested consumers. As a digital marketing agency, this expansion in reach capability is fantastic. But it’s just as good for P2P lenders as well.

At Rock Candy Media, we believe that if someone feels strongly about something, then they should chase it. Even if what they’re chasing is a materialistic good. There has been a negative representation surrounding materialistic goods in our world today. Labeling them as artificial wants and unnecessary purchases. But all the creatives and designers at our advertising firm will tell you that you need to feel a certain way to produce at a high level.

Need to finish a blog and hit a wall? Go hop on that Harley Davidson and see if you can’t find inspiration chasing the sunset by the river. Can’t seem to find an idea for a new logo design? Go chill out in that space-age massage chair you got the other day. Materialistic goods are beneficial beyond their sole purpose when you use them to motivate and inspire yourself. When you use them as an impetus to live a better life.

So the more ways made available to obtain those goods the better. And the more technology we have available to make that happen, the faster it will come to fruition. We’ve truly created a playground for P2P lenders to flourish with all the technology that’s available. And that, combined with a very willing and extremely passionate digital marketing firm, is all the reason you need to get your platform started today.

Let Your Curiosity Take Control