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Sep 25, 2018    Good Company

People Don’t Believe Our Boss Exists, Part 9


Bruce Ewing – Director of Paid Traffic

I was waiting in a room for an interview with this Austin ad agency, by the name of Rock Candy Media. I thought OK, name’s a little odd, but I’m sure this will be another standard internet marketing and advertising agency. Right? Wrong. Next thing I know, the founder of the company, Annie Liao Jones, just sort of appeared in the room smoking a futuristic looking vape like some time traveler who discovered the truth to running a proper marketing agency in Austin, TX.

She said she had a good feeling about me and then pretty much offered me a job and walked out of the room. And probably into her DeLorean right after that. I had never had an interview like it and probably never will again.

She goes with her gut, for better or worse, and the results speak for themselves. She’s smart enough to know what she doesn’t know so she hires talented people that do from the fields of content writing, design, and more.

That reliance on her instinct and lack of ego has paid off and clients of all industries now turn to her for guidance and spontaneity that will seriously catch you by surprise.

Be warned, the word HR is not in her vocabulary. She’s unorthodox, probably ADHD and generous with praise when you do well. If you don’t that’s another story. Bring your A game or stay home.

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