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Jul 27, 2012    Uncategorized

Joys of LinkedIn


When it comes to LinkedIn, you might think of it as a business-networking site where professionals upload their resumes and show off their skills in whatever area of work they are proficient. And that’s exactly what it is. Most of the time. If you have the time it takes to browse through hundreds of profiles, you’ll most likely find a wide array of interesting job titles out there. But if not, you can just read this blog and I’ll do the rest for you (care of Google, of course). Drum roll, please, as I present to you the 10 strangest LinkedIn job titles paired with the first image that comes up when you search them (you know, to keep it even more entertaining**):




While LinkedIn may be fun and games for some people, it’s important to keep your profile as professional as possible, at least in fields where it’s expected. If you’re currently on the prowl for a new job, make sure you upload the most up-to-date resume you have. Include specific skills for specific jobs and show possible employers that you are well versed in numerous skill sets. LinkedIn even has a section for you to expand on any skills you have. You should also be sure to upload a recent photo of yourself. No, not one of you doing a keg stand at last week’s party, but a nice headshot. Of course, upload one that you are comfortable with and shows off your personality, but leave the tiara at home. And like all things Internet-based, don’t put anything in your LinkedIn profile that you don’t want the world to see.


LinkedIn provides plenty of great tips for newbies as well, so check out their forums, browse groups, and read all their tips. Their main goal is turning you into a success.




** I am NOT responsible if the images chosen are actually of those who typed these in. Job titles are anonymous, I do not know who they belong to!


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