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Jun 26, 2014    Burn Book

I Don’t Care If You Are Happy


I hate to admit it but there are a lot of things on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that are really, really annoying. To be honest though, I am an active participant in many of those really, really, annoying things. I definitely use filters on all my pictures (they make everything look better), I was a candy crush addict (may or may not have spent at least $40 on the game for extra lives) and every now and then I partake in a #TBT (#nostalgia), but there is one trend that I don’t think I can ever get on board with. The trend that irks me more than any other is without a doubt “100 Happy Days”. 100 Happy Days is a Facebook/Instagram movement that urges people to post a picture everyday with the hashtag #100happydays. In theory it’s a good idea—why not look for something to put you in a good mood everyday—but in reality it either becomes a vehicle through which people brag about their lives or 100 pictures of the mundane.

The site for #100happydays says “71% of people tried to complete this challenge, but failed quoting lack of time as the main reason. These people simply did not have time to be happy”. I cannot think of anything less true. I think that forcing yourself to find something to post that makes you ”happy” everyday dilutes what makes those truly amazing moments special. When I use Instagram I like to take pictures of things that really and truly make me happy (credit bradley). I post if I’m at the beach and the sky is clear blue, if my dogs look especially cute one day or if I’m having a great night out with my friends. If I don’t post something for one day, it doesn’t mean I don’t have the time to be happy, it means I’m just living in the moment.

I guess when you really break down 100 Happy Days, my issue isn’t with the movement as much as I hate things that make someone’s online presence overly contrived. Every form of social media is used to create an image. Whether it’s a personal account on Instagram or a company’s page on Facebook, the things that are found on social media create a message about the user. The best message that I think anyone can make is that they are real, and mean the things they are saying. With 100 Happy Days that is simply just not possible.

With that, I would be more than happy to participate in a movement called 100 Puppy Days. Just a suggestion.

– Lauren Murray

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